Thanks to the usage of advanced technologies and to the best editing method with special effects, we realize video and audio production for every kind of need - instant translation service in 6 different languages available.
The configuration of the studio, which has 3 green walls next to the green floor, makes possible the reproducing of every kind of setting with no limits on the depth of field. See the section Portfolio from Broadcast team
Thanks to the technical and transversal Contatto srl Broadcast team competence, the experience of a scientific conference can be transmitted via Web in the most complete and interactive way, so those who were not able to attend personally the congress will have the opportunity to live this experience.
The Broadcast Team makes available its know-how to create clips for every need, from interactive e-Learning to the attending a course via Web Live Streaming, granting qualitative high standards. Engineers’ team is able to realize digital and analog audio and video in real time ‘OnSite’ (the same place where the event takes place). Provides multi-medial productions for web and satellite transmissions on dedicated encrypted channels. It can execute multimedia productions fitting in with the transmission via Web and Satellite.